The main advantage of the toxic vapor collector is the high-quality adsorption filter - an absolute innovation of SheMax engineers.
The filter is based on crushed activated carbon, which instantly neutralizes harmful vapors. This is the most effective sorbent.
The uniqueness of the “SheMax-Lash” manifold filter design is a disc with the shape of a honeycomb. Fine dust and vapors simply touch the filter material. It evenly distributes toxic air within the manifold, passes it through each carbon comb, and provides triple purification.
The filter is easy to use - to replace it, it is enough to remove the magnetic grid of the collector.
Disposal of dust and smoke is completely safe - all toxic substances are pressed under high pressure and turn into granules.
As a result, the beauty-master, even with an 8-hour shift, isn’t exposed to aggressive toxic fumes that provoke dangerous allergic reactions.